Diabetic Oatmeal Cookies

yes, i FINALLY made cookies again. it's been y...

Below is an older recipe that my mother had in her recipe box.  Even though she was being treated for a heart condition, she had many low or sugar-free and fat free recipes in her collection.  I always stole some of these after working all day and would ruin my dinner having just a few too many.  I’ve adapted them to be more diabetic friendly by replacing some of the sugar with dry sugar substitute and lessening some of the fat.

36 cookies

45 min preparation time

Heat oven to 350 degrees.  Spray large baking sheet very lightly with cooking spray.


3/4 cup margarine, softened

1 cup dry sugar substitute (Splenda for  Baking)

1/2 cup brown sugar

2 medium eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla extract (pure vanilla is best)

3 cups old-fashioned oats

1  1/2  cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon of salt

3/4 cups raisins

Cream margerine, sugar substitute and brown sugar until light and fluffy.  Add eggs and vanilla and mix well.  Blend in oats, baking soda and salt, then add the flour.  Blend thoroughly until of stiff consistency.  Add raisins and mix completely.

Chill dough to make it easier to handle.  Roll the dough into ball (36 portions) and flatten with a glass dipped in water and powdered sugar.

Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes.  Cookies should be lightly browned. Do not overcook.

Remove  cookies from baking sheet to wire rack. Let cool.

Serving size: 1 cookie

Total fat 5.9 grams   Cholesterol  25 mg.    Sodium   141 grams       Protein  2.0 grams      Carbs  17.1 grams    Sugar 4.3 grams

calories  76

I always like to have a few of these cookies for my bedtime snack with a glass of milk.

Please refer to your diabetic diet plan or ask your nutritionist for the proper amount of cookies you may have.


Happy Columbus Day

  • Today is Columbus Day.  This is usually not one of my great celebratory holidays, but it is worth mentioning  There are usually no major parties or events for today, at least not here in Massachusetts, but it is a good day to catch up on some chores and to relax if you happen to be lucky enough to have a day off from work.

I am looking forward to this Halloween at the end of October and am already making plans for a small celebration while handing out goodies to young holiday revelers.  In the meantime, I have been checking out exchange lists for both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to go along with some sugar-free appetizers and snacks that I’ll be whipping up.  I’ll be feeding other persons with a variety of dietary problems and will need a small and varied assortment of goodies to go along with the special beverages.

Below is a listing of alcoholic beverages and their calorie and carb counts.  I do not condone of condone of the  overimbibing of adult beverages when  suffering from diabetes and ask that you please contact your  dietitian or physician for  advice on whether they are part of your diabetic meal plan.  Also, when stricken with diabetes, you probably suffer from related maladies requiring potent prescriptions.  imbibing alcohol can greatly interfere with the potency of these medications and bring on a list of  alarming symptoms in a diabetic than in a healthy individual.  That being said, the chart below gleaned from The Joslin Guide to diabetes  by  Richard S. Beaser, M.d. with Joan V.C. Hill, R.d., C.D.E. should be extremely helpful.

BEVERAGE                      AMOUNT (ounces)                  CALORIES         CARBOHYDRATES (grams)          EQUAL TO:

Beer                                    12                                                  150                          14                                                  1 bread starch &  1 1/2 fats

Light beer                           12                                                  100                        6                                                    2 fats

Nonalcoholic beer             11                                                    50                       10                                                    1 bread/starch

Distilled spirits:

86 proof(gin, rum             1.5                                                  105                       trace                                              2 fats




Red table or rose’               4                                                      85                      1.0                                                 2 fats

Dry white                             4                                                     80                        .4                                                  2 fats

Sweet wine                           2                                                     90                       6.5                                                1/2 bread/starch & 1 1/2 fats

Light wine                            4                                                     55                       1.3                                                 1 fat

Wine coolers                        12                                                   190                     22.0                                               1 1/2 fruit & 3 fat

Champagne                           4                                                    100                       3.6                                               2 fats

Sherry                                      2                                                      75                      1.5                                                1/2 fats

Sweet sherry/port                2                                                       95                       7.0                                               1/2 bread/starch &

1 1/2 fats


dry                                             3                                                  105                        4.2                                                2 fats

Sweet                                         3                                                  140                       13.9                                               1 bread/starch & 2 fats

  • This should suffice to show nutritional values and correct exchanges for the most popular beverages.  Personally, I forego partaking of the alcohol in favor of the fake versions.  There are several that have left a nice impression and the low alcohol Arbor Mists are a good choice.  Again, check with your health care practitioners and enjoy the upcoming holidays.